I had a tough time doing this. Finally its up. You need to manipulate on the dom.
Just need to add the following listener on your list item.
var itemClass =Ext.get('id-of-your-list').dom.getElementsByClassName("x-list-item");
for (var i = 0; i < itemClass.length; i++) {
if(this.getStore().getData().items[i].raw.status ===1){ //condition on the record
itemClass[i].style.backgroundColor='#f3f3c7'; //change the color of the row
}else if(this.getStore().getData().items[i].raw.status ===2){
itemClass[i].style.backgroundColor='#c7f3c7'; //change the color of the row
Just need to add the following listener on your list item.
var itemClass =Ext.get('id-of-your-list').dom.getElementsByClassName("x-list-item");
for (var i = 0; i < itemClass.length; i++) {
if(this.getStore().getData().items[i].raw.status ===1){ //condition on the record
itemClass[i].style.backgroundColor='#f3f3c7'; //change the color of the row
}else if(this.getStore().getData().items[i].raw.status ===2){
itemClass[i].style.backgroundColor='#c7f3c7'; //change the color of the row